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Potato harvesting, red dirt, potato field

The Canadian Potato Museum O'Leary, Prince Edward Island


Discover the World of Potatoes

Published May 2, 2024 | Sponsored by / Commandité par Canadian Potato Museum
Categories: Attractions & Sightseeing

Along North Cape Coastal Drive, where the red soil meets the coast, lies a charming town where the potato reigns supreme. Welcome to O'Leary, PEI, home to the Canadian Potato Museum. 

Over 16,000 visitors from all over the world travel here to learn about the humble potato and its journey from origin in Andes Mountains of Peru to the thousands of acres planted each year here on Prince Edward Island. And before entering the museum, most spud enthusiasts like to snap a few pics with the giant replica.

Two people stand with arms around big potato in front of the Canadian Potato Museum


Once through the doors, visitors are immersed in a world of history and heritage. Interactive exhibits trace the potato's evolution from a wild tuber to a global phenomenon, highlighting its significance as a source of sustenance, cultural exchange and even scientific innovation. From ancient cultivation techniques to modern farming practices, visitors gain a deeper understanding of the potato's profound impact on human civilization. The on-site Potato Blossom Boutique offers unique gifts and souvenirs - potato themed, of course!

Ready to get your hands into PEI's bright red mud?

In summer, book a tour of a local potato or dairy farm for an authentic 'day in the life of a farm' experience (available Tuesdays and Thursdays).

Two people tour Canadian Potato Museum machinery exhibit

Plan your visit: Open May 15 to October 15

Hours of operation: 9:30 am to 5:30 pm daily

Be sure to stay for lunch at the PEI Potato Country Kitchen with a variety of potato favourites, including dessert (open from 11:30 am to 5:30 pm).

The Canadian Potato Museum invites you to explore the rich tapestry of PEI's agricultural heritage and to savor the deliciousness of PEI Potatoes.

Canadian Potato Museum interior displays

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